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London |
Nebenformen: |
[Londres] |
Liste der Werke: |
- 'L sant evangeli dë Nossëgnour Gesu-Crist secound san Luca e san Giovan = Le saint évangile de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ selon saint Luc et saint Jean [Buch]
- 'L Testament Neuv dë Nossëgnour Gesu-Crist : tradout in lingua Piemonteisa [Buch]
- A Brief account of the Vaudois, His Sardinian Majesty's Protestant subjects in the valleys of Piedmont / In a Letter from a Gentleman on his Travels in Italy [Buch]
- A brief sketch of the history and present situation of the Valdenses in
Piemont, commonly called Vaudois [Buch]
- A Collection of the Several Papers Sent to His Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland, &c. Concerning the Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murthers, and other Cruelties, committed on many thousands of Reformed, or Protestants dwelling in the Vallies of Piedmont, by the Duke of Savoy's Forces, joyned therein with the French Army, and severall Irish Regiments. Published by Command of his Highness [Buch]
- A Collection or Narative Sent to His Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland, &c. Concerning the Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murthers, and other Cruelties, committed on many thousands of Reformed, or Protestants dwelling in the Vallies of Piedmont, by the Duke of Savoy’s Forces, joyned therein with the French Army, and severall Irish Regiments. Published by Command of his Highness [Buch]
- A complete Atlas, or distinct view of the known World [Sammelband]
- A cultural history of the emotions in the Baroque and Enlightenment age [Sammelband]
- A Declaration of His Highness, with the Advice of his Council, Inviting the people of England and Wales to a Day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation. [With "Instructions to be observed touching the Collection appointed by the Declaration of his Highness and the Council hereunto annexed"] [Buch]
- A Declaration of the afflictions and the persecution of the Protestants in the Marquisate of Saluce, belonging to the Duke of Savoy : shewing the faith and constancie of two martyrs, put to death for religion, in the said Marquisate, the 21 of october 1619 ; also other letters sent to the King, from the Reformed Churches in France, now assembled in London ; with an Edict made by the French King, the ninth of November last past ; wherein the prince of Conde is declared innocent, and thereby enlarged of his imprisonment [Buch]
- A distinct and faithful Accompt of all the Receipts, disbursments, and remainder of the Moneys collected in England, VVales & Ireland, for the relief of the poor distressed Protestants in the valleys of Piemont. Together with a brief accompt of the present state of affairs in those parts; as well for the better satisfaction of all those who have already contributed, as for the encouragement of those who have yet been wanting toward so good and charitable a work. Printed and published by special order of His Highness and the Council. [Buch]
- A Dreadful Relation, of the Cruel, Bloudy, and most Inhumane Massacre and Butchery, committed on the poor Protestants, in the Dominions of the Duke of Savoy, by his Soldiers, with some French and bloudy Irish joyned together ... [Buch]
- A Full and True Account Of the Late Revolution in Savoy, and of the Motives and Occasion of the Duke of Savoy’s Declaration of War against France, and for Restoring all the Vaudois to their Liberties and Ancient Privileges, who are joined with His Forces against the French. And also of the several Defeats given to the French Forces, by the Vaudois and Savoyards./ In a Letter to a Person of Quality, from Geneva, June 9. 1690. [Buch]
- A General Martyrologie Containing a Collection of all the Greatest Persecutions Which Have Befallen the Church of Christ From the Creation, to Our Present Times; Wherein is Given an Exact Account of the Protestants Sufferings in Queen Maries Reign. ...
The third edition, corrected, and enlarged./ By Samuel Clarke Late pastor of St. Bennet Fink [Buch]
- A Generall Martyrologie : containing a collection of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the church of Christ from the creation to our present times, both in England and all other nations. .../ By Sa. Clarke, pastor in Bennet Fink, London. The second edition, corrected and enlarged; having the two late persecution[s] inserted: the one in Piemont: the other in Poland. [Buch]
- A Generall Martyrologie, containing a collection Of all the greatest persecutions which have befallen the Church of Christ from the Creation to our present Times. Whereunto are added, The lives of sundry Modern divines, Famous in their Generations for Learning and Piety, and most of them great Sufferers in the cause of Christ [Buch]
- A Journal of a Tour in Italy, with reflections on religion in that country [Buch]
- A Journal of all that happen’d in the march of the Vaudois till their Arrival in the Valleys of St. Martin und Lusern; Written from Lausanne the 19th. of September. 1689. to an Eminent Merchant in London, with the Number of those that pass’d the Lake to joyn them. [Buch]
- A Map of the Seat of War in Italy accomodated to this History [Bilder und Landkarten]
- A Memento für English Protestants, containing the following Particulars, viz. An Epitome of the Massacre in Piedmont An Epitome of the French Massacre An Epitome of the Irish Massacre. A Speech of Pope Sixtus Quintus. A Collection of the most Remarkable Passages of Queen Maries Reign. Together with a Preface [by S. Amy] by way of Answer to that part of the Compendium [by Roger Palmer, Earl of Castlemain], which reflects on the Bishop of Lincoln’s late Book [Thomas Barlow, Bishopf of Lincoln, "Popery"]. [Buch]
- A memoir of Felix Neff, pastor of the High Alps : and of his labours among the french protestants of Dauphiné, a remnant of the primitive cristians of Gaul [Sammelband]
- A memoir of Felix Neff, pastor of the High Alps : and of his labours among the french protestants of Dauphiné, a remnant of the primitive cristians of Gaul [Buch]
- A New and Accurate Map of Savoy, Piemont, and Montferrat. Exhibiting the present Seat of War. Collected from the best Authorities and most approved Modern Maps. The wole being regulated by Astron. Observations. By Eman. Bowen [Bilder und Landkarten]
- A New Map of Kingdom of Sardinia, according to the Congress of Vienna, with their subdivisions from the latest authorities by John Cary Engraver 1821 [Bilder und Landkarten]
- A New Map of Piedmont, the Duchies of Savoy and Milan; and the Republic of Genoa; with their subdivisions. From the latest authorities by John Cary, Engraver, 1799 [Bilder und Landkarten]
- A New Map of the Dominions of the King of Sardinia from the Original Published at Turin with Royal Approbation. and Dedicated to His Sardinian Majesty by Francis De Caroly; Translated with Improvements and Additions [Bilder und Landkarten]
- A Proclamation For perfecting the Collection For relief of The Protestant Inhabitants of the Valleys of Lucern, Angrona &c [Buch]
- A Review of Fox the Martyrologist's History of the Waldenses [Buch]
- A sermon against murder : By occasion of the Romanists putting the Protestants to death in the Dukedome of Savoy./ By William Towers, B.D. [Buch]
- A sermon preach'd at the Parish-Church of Richmond in Surry: April the 5th, 1699. Being the day appointed for a publick humiliation and collection for the Vaudois /by N. Brady.
- A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at St. Margarets Westminster, on Wednesday the 5th of April, 1699 : being a solemn day of fasting for imploring a blessing on His Majesty and all his dominions, and for averting those judgments we most justly deserve, and for the distressed Protestants abroads.
- A short history of the Italian Waldenses who have inhabited the Valleys of the Cottian Alps from Ancient Times to Present [Buch]
- A short relation of the Brave Exploits of the Vaudois, And of God’s miraculous Providence in their Preservation in the late War against the French in Piedmont. Taken from, and attested by some of their Chief Commanders now in London. [Buch]
- A tale of the Vaudois : designed for young persons [Buch]
- A tour to and from Venice, by the Vaudois and the Tyrol [Buch]
- A treatise of baptism : wherein that of believers, and that of infants, is examined by the Scriptures. With the history of both out of antiquity. Making it appear, that infants-baptism was not practised for near three hundred years, nor enjoyned as necessary, till four hundred years after Christ: With the fabulous traditions, and erroneous grounds upon which it was, by the Pope's Cannons (with gossips, chrysm, exorcism, baptising of churches and bells, and other Popish rites) founded. And that the famous Waldensian and Old Baptist churches, Lollards and Wickliffians, and other Christians witnessed against it. As also, the history of Christianity amongst the ancient Britains and Waldenses. And, a brief answer to Mr. Bunyan about communion with persons unbaptized ... / by H.D. [Buch]
- A visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont [Buch]
- A visit to the Waldenses [Buch]
- Actes and Monuments of these latter and perillous dayes touching matters of the Church, wherein ar comprehended and decribed the great persecutions [and] horrible troubles, that haue bene wrought and practised by the Romishe Prelates, speciallye in this Realme of England and Scotlande, from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande, vnto the tyme nowe present. Gathered and collected according to the true copies [and] wrytinges certificatorie, as wel of the parties them selues that suffered, as also out of the bishops registers, which wer the doers therof, by Iohn Foxe
- Actes du consistoire de l'Église française de Threadneedle Street, Londres, Vol. II: 1571-1577 [Buch]
- Alpine valleys of Italy from San Remo to Lake Orta [Buch]
- Among the Waldenses : being the life and labours of General Beckwith in the Vaudois Valleys [Buch]
- An account of the Bold & Daring Enterprize of the Primitive Reformed, in order To Recover their Just Rights, Liberties and Profession of their Religion in the Dutchy of Savoye. In a letter written from Lauzanne in Swisserland, to a Person of Honour, August 30. 1689 [Buch]
- An apology for the Waldenses; exhibiting an historical view of their origin, orthodoxy, loyalty and constancy : to which is added, an appeal to several European governments on their behalf [Buch]
- An artisan missionary on the Zambesi : being the life story of William Thomson Waddell largely drawn from his letters and Journals [Buch]
- An Autumn near the Rhine : or, sketches of courts, society, scenery etc. in some of the German states bordering on the Rhine [Buch]
- An Historical Account of the most Remarkable Transactions Betwixt the Duke of Savoy and the French King : contained In Several Letters pass’d betwixt Them before the Rupture./ Translated from the Original French Copies. [Buch]
- An historical defence of the Waldenses or Vaudois, inhabitants of the valleys of Piedmont, by Jean Rodolphe Peyran, late Pastor of Pomaret, and Moderator of the Waldensian Church. With an introduction and appendixes by the Rev. Thomas Sims, M.A., Domestic Chaplain to Her Grace the Duchess Dowager of Beaufort [Buch]
- An Historical Sketch Of The Italian Vaudois : from the first ages of Christianity to the present day ; with some account of their ancient documents [Sammelband]
- An inquiry into the history and theology of the ancient Vallenses and Albigenses : as exhibiting, agreeably to the promises, the perpepuity of the sincere Church of Christ [Buch]
- Ancient Pathways in the Alps [Buch]
- Archaeologia or miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [Zeitschrift]
- Authentic details of the Valdenses, in Piemont and other countries : with abridged translations of "L'histoire des Vaudois" par Bresse, and La rentree glorieuse, d'Henri Arnaud, with the ancient Valdensian catechism : to which are subjoined original letters, written during a residence among the Vaudois of Piemont and Wirtemberg in 1825 : illustrated by etchings. [Buch]
- Baptist History : From the Foundation of the Christian Church to the Close of the Eighteenth Century [Buch]
- Belief and unbelief in medieval Europe [Buch]
- Benefizio della morte di Cristo [Buch]
- Brief memoir respecting the Waldenses or Vaudois inhabitants of the vallies of Piedmont : the result of observations made during a short residence amongst that interesting people in the autumn of 1814 by a clergyman of the Church of England [Buch]
- Brief observations on the present state of the Waldenses and upon their actual sufferings, made in the summer of 1820 [Buch]
- Bright Lights in Dark Times; or, The Waldenses and their Persecutions in the Valleys of Piedmont [Buch]
- Britain and its neighbours : cultural contacts and exchanges in medieval and early modern Europe [Sammelband]
- Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies [Zeitschrift]
- By the Committee for the Affairs of the Poor Protestants in the Valleys of Piedmont [Buch]
- Calvin meets Voltaire : the clergy of Geneva in the age of enlightenment, 1685-1798 [Buch]
- Carta delle tre valli di Piemonte [Bilder und Landkarten]
- Carte Générale des Etats du Roi de Sardaigne, reduite d'après La Grande Carte, Pour trouver facilement ce qu'on a envie de chercher dans celle-là, 1765 [Bilder und Landkarten]
- Classic reprint series
- Eight essays on various subjects [Sammelband]
- Eight letters on the Italian Reformation [Buch]
- Entertaining Biography : From Chambers's Repository [Sammelband]
- European witch trials : their foundations in popular and learned culture, 1300-1500 [Buch]
- Facts and Documents Illustrative of the History, Doctrine, and Rites, of the Ancient Albigenses & Waldenses [Buch]
- False Prophets, Anticrists, Deceivers, Which are in the World, which John prophesied of, which hath long been hid and Covered. But now is unmasked in these last dayes with the Eternal Light which is risen, are they seen and discovered, praises be to the Living God. And with the Scriptures which they have made a trade of and deceived the poor people withall, are they tryed and made manifest to be those which the Scripture speaks of, which with fained words and Covetousnesse makes Merchandize of the people, and so betrayes their Soules. Also a Word to the Heads and Governours of this Nation, who have put forth a Declaration for the keeping of a Day of Humiliation for the Persecution (as they say) of the poor Inhabitants in the Valley of Lucerna, Angrona, and others professing the Reformed Religion which hath been transmitted unto them from their Ancestors. By M. Fell. And also James Milners Condemnation upon that which erred from the Light
- Footsteps of the reformers in foreign lands [Buch]
- Forgotten heroes [Buch]
- Gravissimae quaestionis, de Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usq[ue] aetatem, continuâ successione & statu, historica explicatio. Authore Jacobo Usserio, Sae. Theologiae in Dubliniensi Academiâ, apud Hibernos, Professore. Quid in tractatus hujus parte, quam jam damus, primâ & secundâ contineatur, elenchus capitum, operi praefixus, declarabit [Buch]
- Henri Arnaud; or the glorious return of the Waldenses of Piedmont to their native valleys in the year 1689-90. A poem [Buch]
- Heresy and authority in medieval Europe : documents in translation [Buch]
- Heresy and Citizenship : Persecution of Heresy in Late Medieval German Cities [Buch]
- Heresy, crusade and inquisition in Southern France : 1100-1250 [Buch]
- His Royal Highness the Duke of Savoy's proclamation on behalf of the Vaudois [Buch]
- Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements [Reihe]
- Historical dictionary of reformed churches [Sammelband]
- History of the Waldenses [Buch]
- History of the Waldenses : connected with a sketch of the Christian church from the birth of Christ to the eighteenth century [Sammelband]
- History of the Waldenses of Italy, from their origin to the Reformation [Buch]
- Horae Apocalypticae : A commentary on the apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an examination of the chief prophecies of Daniel illustrated by an apocalyptic chart, and engravings from medals and other extant monuments of antiquity with appendices, containing, besides other matter, a sketch of the history of apocalyptic interpretation, the chief apocalyptic counter-schemes and indices. [Buch]
- Huguenot Society of London : Quarto series [Reihe]
- Il Libro delle Preghiere Pubbliche e dell' amministratione de' sacramenti, ed altri riti e cerimonie ecclesiastiche, secondo l'uso della Chiesa d'Inghilterra e d'Irelanda, coi Salmi di David, etc. [Buch]
- Il vangelo di S. Matteo, volgarizzato in dialetto Piemontese : Seconda edizione eseguita su quella di Londra dell' anno 1834. [Buch]
- Illustrations of the Vaudois in a series of views [...] ; Accompanied with Descriptions [Buch]
- In Memoriam, a Wreath of Stray Leaves to the Memory of Emily Bliss Gould Ob: 31St Aug, 1875
- Incidents in the life of an Italian : priest - soldier - refugee [Buch]
- Italy in transition : public scenes and private opinions in the spring of 1860; illustrated by official documents from the papal archives of the revolted Legations [Buch]
- John Calvin [Buch]
- Julio Arnouf : A tale of the Vaudois. Designed for young persons [Buch]
- L'Eco di Savonarola : Foglio mensile [Zeitschrift]
- Les Vallées Vaudoises pittoresques; ou vallées protestantes du Piémont, du Dauphiné, et du Ban de la Roche [Buch]
- Letter of thanks from the Protestants of the valleys of Piedmont to his Highness the Lord Protector [Buch]
- Letters of state written by Mr. John Milton, to most of the sovereign princes and republicks of Europe, from the year 1649, till the year 1659 ; to which is added, an account of his life ; together with several of his poems, and a catalogue of his works, never before printed. [Buch]
- Lettre a Monsieur Henry Arnaud F.M.D.S.E. Et Pasteur Vaudois, étant à present à Londres, avec sa Réponse à l’Autheur de ladite Lettre. [Buch]
- Li sent evangile de Notre Seigneur Gesu-Christ, counfourma sent Luc et sent Giann: rendu en lengua valdesa. Par Pierre Bert ... = Les saints evangiles de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ, selon saint Luc et saint Jean. [Buch]
- Libro delle preghiere comuni dell'amministrazione dei sacramenti e degli altri riti e cerimonie ecclesiastiche secondo l'uso della chiesa unita d'Inghilterra e d'Irlanda e d'Irlanda, insieme col Salterio, o, Salmi di David colle pause [Buch]
- Life and letters of Henry James Piggott, B.A. of Rome [Sammelband]
- Life of Luigi Desanctis : Formerly Professor and Doctor in Theology of the Roman Church, and (after conversion to the religion of Christ) Professor of Apologetical and Polemical Theology in the Waldesian College at Florence [Buch]
- Luthers fore-runners: or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith. Gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses: who for diuers hundred yeares before Luther successiuely opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud: being most grieuously persecuted, and many thousands of them martyred, by the tyrannie of that man of sinne, and his superstitious adherents and cruell instruments. Diuided into three parts. The first concernes their originall beginning , the puritie of their religion, the persecutions which they haue suffered throughout all Europe, for the space of aboue foure hundred and fiftie yeares. The second containes the historie of the Waldenses called Albingenses. The third concerneth the doctrine and discipline which hath bene common amongst them, and the confutation of the doctrine of their aduersaries. All which hath bene faithfully collected out of the author named in the page following the preface, by I.P.P. L. Translated out of French by Samson Lennard [Buch]
- Map of the Seat of the Waldenses, and Albigenses [Bilder und Landkarten]
- Map of the Valleys of Piedmont [Bilder und Landkarten]
- Map to Illustrate the Extent of Neff’s Pastoral Charge [Bilder und Landkarten]
- Martyrs in Flames: or The History of Popery. Displaying The Horrid Persecutions and Cruelties, exercised upon Protestants by the Papists for many hundred Years past, to this Time. In, Piedmont. France, with the Massacre at Paris. Orange. Bohemia. Germany. Poland. Lithuania. Italy. Spain, with the Bloody Inquisition. Portugal. Holland. Flanders. Scotland. Ireland, with the Massacre in 1641. and England. Containing an account of I. The Martyrs in the Reign of King Henry VIII. and Queen Mary. II. The Spanish Invasion 1588. III. The Gun-powder Treason 1605. IV. The Fire of London 1666. V. The Horrid Popish plot in 1678. VI. The Marther of Sir Edmunbury Godfrey. VII. The detestable Conspiracies of the Papists, and their Adherents against K. William III. 1. By Grandivile a Frenchman. 2. By Charnock, Sir Wil. Perkins, Sir John Friend, Sir John Fenwick, and others, with their Tryals and Execution[.] Also Gods Judgments upon persecutors. With several pictures [Buch]
- Martyrs in flames: or, the history of Popery : Displaying the horrid persecutions and cruelties exercised upon Protestants by the Papists, for many hundred years past: In Piedmont. France, with the Massacre at Paris. Orange. Bohemia. Germany. Poland. Lithuania. Italy. Spain, with the bloody Inquisition. Portugal. Holland. Flanders. Scotland. Ireland, with the Massacre in 1641. and England. Containing an Account of I. The Martyrs in the Reign of King Henry Viii. and Queen Mary. II. The Spanish Invasion 1588 III. The Gun-Powder Treason, 1605. IV. The Fire of London 1666 V. The horrid Popish-Plot in 1678. VI The Murther of Sir Edmunbury Godfrey. Vii. The detestable Conspiracies of the Papists, and their Adherents against K. William III. 1. By Grandivile a Frenchman. 2. By Charnock, Sir Will. Perkins, Sir John Friend, Sir John Fenwick, and others, with their Trials and Execution. Also God's Judgments upon Persecutors. With several pictures [Buch]
- Matchlesse Crueltie, declared At large in the ensuing History of the Waldenses : Apparently manifesting unto the World the horrible Persecutions which they have suffered by the Papists, for the space of four hundred and fifty years. Wherein is related their Original and Beginning; their Piety and Purity in religion, both for Doctrine and Discipline. Likewise, hereunto is added an exact Narrative of the late Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murders, and other unheard of Cruelties committed on many thousands of the Protestants, dwelling in the Valleys of Piedmont, &c. by the Duke of Savoy’s forces, joyned with the French army, and several bloody Irish regiments. Published by Command of his Highness, the Lord Protector. [Buch]
- Medieval heresy ; popular movements from Bogomil to Hus [Buch]
- Mercurius politicus : comprimising the summ of all intelligence with the affairs and designs now on foot, in the
free nations of England, Ireland and Scotland ; in defence of the Commonwealth and for information of the people [Zeitschrift]
- Modernism in Italy - : its origin, its incentive, its leaders and its aims [Buch]
- Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont, and Researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses, Protestant Inhabitants of the Cottian Alps ; With Maps, Plates, And an Appendix, containing copies of ancient manuscripts, and other interesting documents, in illustration of the history and manners of that extraordinary people [Buch]
- Notes of a Tour in the valleys of Piedmont in the summer of 1854 [Buch]
- Papal Usurpation and Persecution, as it has been Exercis'd in Ancient and Modern Times with Respect both to Princes & People : A fair Warning to all Protestants, to Guard themselves with the utmost Caution against the Encroachments & Invasions of Popery; as they value their Estates, Lives and Liberties, but above all, as they would preserve their Consciences free from the forest of all Tyrannies and Oppressions ... By a sincere Lover of our Protestant establishment both in Church and State. The whole divided into two tomes, ... and design'd as supplemental to the Book of martyrs [Sammelband]
- Parliament and the Glorious Revolution, 1688-1988 [Buch]
- Piedmont [Buch]
- Poems, &c. upon Several Occasions : Both English and Latin, &c. Composed at several times. With a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib [Sammelband]
- Religious Interactions in Europe and the Mediterranean World ; Coexistence and Dialogue from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Centuries [Sammelband]
- Religious liberty
- Remarks on the Vaudois of Piemont : during an excursion in the summer of 1825
- Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of the Albigenses / by P. Allix [Buch]
- Remarks, with reference to Evangelisation in Italy and the Waldenses, by a London Clergyman, who has recently visited the North and South of Italy [Buch]
- Remembering the Reformation [Sammelband]
- Routledge historical biographies [Reihe]
- Routledge library editions. Witchcraft [Reihe]
- Routledge research in early modern history [Reihe]
- Sabaudiensis in Reformatam Religionem persecutionis brevis narratio; ex scriptis Potentissimo Principi Olivero, Reipublicae Angliae, Scotiae & Hiberniae Protectori, Nuper communicatis desumpta et In methodum digesta [Buch]
- Serving France, Ireland and England ; Ruvigny, Earl of Galway, 1648-1720 [Buch]
- Sketch of the origin, progress and present condition of the Orphan Asylum at La Tour, in the Waldensian valleys of Piedmont, founded in the year 1853, by the British Ladies' Association [Buch]
- Sketch of the past and present state of the Vaudois, or Waldenses : inhabiting the vallies of Piedmont ; recently received, and translated from the original Italian manuscript [Buch]
- Sketches of the Waldenses [Buch]
- Soldiers of a Great King : An Advent Story of the Waldenses [Buch]
- Some Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont /by P. Allix, D.D. [Buch]
- Sunset in Provence, and other tales of martyr times [Sammelband]
- The Anglo-Florentines : the British in Tuscany, 1814-1860 [Buch]
- The archives of the French Protestant Church of London : A handlist [Buch]
- The Barbarous & Inhumane Proceedings against the Professors of the Reformed Religion within the Dominion of the Duke of Savoy. Aprill the 27th, 1655. As also, a true Relation of the Bloody Massacres, Tortures, Cruelties, and Abominable Outrages committed upon the Protestants in Ireland, ... which began Octob. 23. 1641. and The Lamentable and Miserable Condition of Germany, which began Octob. 23. 1641 and the lamentable and miserable condition of Germany, ... which fell out, Nov 12. 1637 ... : Illustrated with Pictures, that the eye may affect the heart. [Buch]
- The blovdy rage of that great Antechrist of Rome and his superstitious adherents, against the true Church of Christ and the faithfull professors of his Gospell : Declared at large in the Historie of the Waldenses and Albigenses, apparently manifesting vnto the world the visibilitie of our Church of England, and of all the reformed Churches throughout Christendome, for aboue foure hundred and fiftie yeares last past. Divided into three parts. The first concernes their originall beginning, the puritie of their religion, the persecutions which they haue suffered throughout all Europe, for the space of aboue foure hundred and fiftie yeares. The second containes the historie of the Waldenses called Albingenses. The third concerneth the doctrine and discipline which hath bene common amongst them, and the confutation of the doctrine of their aduersaries. All which hath bene faithfully collected out of the Authors named in the page following the Preface, by I.P.P. M. Translated out of French by Samson Lennard [Buch]
- The books of the Vaudois : the Waldensian manuscripts preserved in the
Library of Trinity College, Dublin, etc. With an appendix, containing a correspondence (reprinted from the British Magazine) on the poems of the poor of Lyons, the antiquity and genuineness of the Waldensian literature and the supposed loss of the Morland Manuscripts at Cambridge. With Mr.Bradshaw's paper on his recent discovery of them. [Buch]
- The British magazine and monthly register of religious and ecclesiastical information, parochial history, and documents respecting the state of the poor, progress of education, etc. [Zeitschrift]
- The Case of the Exiled Vaudois, and French Protestants, stated: And their Relief Recommended to All Good Christians, Especially to Those of the Reformed Religion: in a Sermon Preach’d at St. James Westminster, April 5. 1699. Being the Day of the Publick Fast / By William Wake, D.D. Rector of S. James Westminster, And Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Publish’d at the Desire of the Honourable the Board of Vestry; and of several Persons of Quality of the said Parish. [Buch]
- The character of cruelty in the workers of iniquity ; Cure of contention among the people of God : held forth in two sermons preached in the day of publick humiliation upon occasion of the late sad persecution in Piedmont. [Buch]
- The Christians calamities: or, The Protestants complaint, : collected out of many severall letters that were sent from beyond the seas into England, and presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, of England, Scotland and Ireland. Faithfully collected, drawn up, and written by Laurence Price [Buch]
- The complete emancipation of the Protestant Vaudois of Piedmont advocated in a strong and unanswerable argument, and submitted to His Grace the Duke of Wellington [Buch]
- The construction of reformed identity in Jean Crespin's Livre des martyrs [Buch]
- The crown or the tiara? : Considerations on the present condition of the Waldenses; addressed to the statesmen of civilised Europe [Buch]
- The Declaration of Manifesto of the Protestants of the Vallies of Piedmont, called the Vaudois, to all Christian Princes & States, of the Reasons of their taking up Arms just now against the Duke of Savoy. And why they have put themselves under the Protection of William, King of Great Britain, and of the Evangelick Cantons of Switzerland./ Done out of High Dutch. [Buch]
- The diplomatic correspondence of the Right Hon. Richard Hill : envoy extraordinary from the Court of St. James to the duke of Savoy ... from July 1703, to May 1706. ... With autographs of many illustrious individuals [Buch]
- The Duke of Savoye his declaration or the act of re-establishment, granted to the Vaudois Done out of French. [Buch]
- The evangelical church in the River Plate Republics (Argentina and Uruguay) : A study of the economic and social basis of the evangelical church in Argentina and Uruguay [Buch]
- The evangelical magazine and missionary chronicle [Zeitschrift]
- The Exiles of Lucerna, or, the sufferings of the Waldenses during the persecution of 1686 [Buch]
- The first [second] volume of the ecclesiasticall history : contaynyng the actes and monumentes of thynges passed in euery kynges tyme in this realme, especially in the Church of England principally to be noted. Newly recognised and inlarged / by the author Iohn Foxe [Buch]
- The glorious recovery by the Vaudois of their valleys / from the original by Henri Arnaud, their commander and pastor ; with a compendious history of that people, previous and subsequent to that event by Hugh Dyke Acland
- The Glorious Return : a Story of the vaudois in 1689 [Buch]
- The History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont. Containing a most exact Geographical Description of the Place, and a faithfull Account of the Doctrine, Life, and Persecutions of the Ancient Inhabitants. Together, with a most naked and punctual Relation of the late bloudy Massacre, 1655. And a Narrative of all the following Transactions, to the Year of Our Lord, 1658. All which are justified, partly by divers Ancient Manuscripts written many hundred Years before Calvin or Luther, and partly by other most Authentick Attestations: The true Originals of the greatest part whereof are to be seen in their proper Languages by all the curious, in the Publick Library of the famous University of Cambridge. Collected and compiled with much pains und industry by Samuel Morland, Esq.; During his abode in Geneva, in quality of His Highness Commissioner Extraordinary for the Affairs of the said Valleys and particularly for the Distribution of the Collected Moneys, among the remnant of those poor distressed People.
- The History of the Negotiation of the Ambassadors sent to the Duke of Savoy, by the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, concerning the Vaudois. Translated from the Original Copy printed in Switzerland. [Buch]
- The History of The Persecution of the Valleys of Piedmont. Containing An Account of what hath passed in the Dissipation of the Churches and the Inhabitants of the Valleys, which happened in the Year 1686. [Buch]
- The History of the Persecutions of the Reformed Churches in France, Orange and Piedmont. From the year 1655. to this time. Shewing by what Steps, Artifices and Perfidious Practices they were destroyed. With A Short Account of the Present Condition of the Protestants in France, and elsewhere. Wherin are many remarkable passages never before printed.
- The history of the Vaudois. Wherein is shewn their Original; how God has preserved the Christian Religion among them in its Purity, from the time of the Apostles, to our days; The Wonders he has done for their Preservation, with the Signal and Miraculous Victories that they have gained over their Enemies; how they were dispersed, and their Churches ruined; and how at last they were re-established, beyond the expectation and hope of all the World./ By Peter Boyer, a Minister of the Gospel. Dedicated to the King of England, and newly translated out of French by a Person of Quality. [Buch]
- The house in the mountains : the women who liberated Italy from fascism [Buch]
- The household of faith : a sermon, preached to the English congregation, assembled at Rome, Sunday, 6th April, 1823, for the benefit of the primitive church of the Vaudois, or, ancient Albigenses and Waldenses. With an appendix [Buch]
- The Huguenots in France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes : with a visit to the country of the Vaudois [Sammelband]
- The Israel of the Alps : a history of the persecutions of the Waldenses [Buch]
- The life of Felix Neff : pastor of the High Alps [Buch]
- The martyr land; or, Tales of the Vaudois [Buch]
- The Martyr Land; Or, Tales of the Vaudois [Buch]
- The Medieval World [Sammelband]
- The military history of the late Prince Eugene of Savoy, and of the late John Duke of Marlborough, including a particular description of the several battles, ... in which ... those generals commanded. Collected from the best authors in all languages ... to which is added, a supplement, containing a succinct account of the ... events which happened in the late war, and wherein neither of the ... generals above-mentioned had any share, particularly in Spain. ... by Claude Du Bosc. Volume 1.[-2] [Sammelband]
- The Mission World [Zeitschrift]
- The Negotiations of the embassadors sent to the Duke of Savoy by the Protestant Swiss-Cantons, in favour of the distressed Vaudois : wherein there are many things very curious, and some letters never before published negotiations ... in favour of the distressed Vaudois ... /translated out of French by a Person of Quality. [Buch]
- The New and Complete Book of Martyrs, or: An Universal History of Martyrdom. Being Fox's Book of Martyrs, Revised and Corrected, with Additions and Great Improvements. Containing not only a New, Copious, Complete, Universal and Authentic Account of the Lives, Actions, Characters, Trials, Religious Principles, Sufferings, Tortures, and Triumphant Deaths, of the English Protestant Martyrs, in the Reign of Queen Mary the First, but also A Genuine, Full, and Circumstantial History of all the dreadful and cruel Persecutions against the Church of Christ, in all parts of the World, by Papists, Pagans, Jews, Turks, and others, from the very Earliest Ages of the Church to the Present Period. The whole originally composed by the Rev. Mr. John Fox, ... now revised, corrected and improved, ... by Paul Wright, ... Embellished with ... uncommonly high-finished copper-plates [Sammelband]
- The origins of the Brethren, 1825-1850 [Buch]
- The pastor chief ; or, the escape of the Vaudois. A tale of the seventeenth century [Buch]
- The Penny Protestant Operative. Under the direction of the protestant association [Zeitschrift]
- The Po : an elegy for Italy's longest river [Buch]
- The Present State of the Vaudois, Drawn out of Three Letters. I. One from Mr. Cox, Their Majesties Envoy in Suitzerland. II. The second from Monsieur de Loches, their Colonel. III. The last from Monsieur Arnaud Minister of the Vaudois. [Buch]
- The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe During the Early Part of the Reign of Louis XIV. Illustrated in a Series of Letters Between Dr. John Pell, Resident Ambassador with the Swiss Cantons, Sir Samuel Morland, Sir William Lockhart, Mr. Secretary Thurloe, and other distinguished men of the time. Now first published from the originals. With an introd. on the character of Cromwell, and of his times. [Buch]
- The Quarterly Journal of Education [Zeitschrift]
- The Quarterly Review [Zeitschrift]
- The reformation of England's past : John Foxe and the revision of history in the late sixteenth century [Buch]
- The Romaunt version of the Gospel according to St. John : from Mss. preserved in Trinity College, Dublin, and in the Bibliothèque du Roi, Paris; with an introductory history of the version of the New Testament, anciently in use among the old Waldenses, and remarks on the texts of the Dublin, Paris, Grenoble, Zurich, and Lyons Mss. of that version [Buch]
- The six sisters of the valleys : an historical romance [Buch]
- The State of Savoy. In which a Full and Distinct Account is given of the Persecution of the Protestants, By means of the French Councils. With The Unreasonable Conditions and Demands that the French King would have put on the Duke of Savoy, and Of the Just Causes and Motives, that Induced that Duke to break off from the French interest, and Joyn with the Confederates. Together with the most Memorable Occurrences that hath since happen’d there. As also the True Copies of all the Letters and Dispatches that passd between them. [Buch]
- The suppressed evidence : or, proofs of the miraculous faith and experience of the church of Christ in all ages, from authentic records of the Fathers, Waldenses, Hussites, reformers, United Brethren, &c : an historical sketch, suggested by the Hon. and Rev. B.W. Noel's "Remarks on the revival of miraculous powers in the church" [Buch]
- The Valley of Light : Studies with pen and pencil in the Vaudois Valleys of Piedmont [Buch]
- The Valleys both of PIEMONT & FRANCE Which were the Seat of the Waldenses or Vaudois Both Antient & Modern. [Bilder und Landkarten]
- The Valleys of Piedmont [Bilder und Landkarten]
- The Valleys of Piemont [Bilder und Landkarten]
- The Vaudois : comprising observations made during a tour to the valleys of Piedmont, in the summer of 1844 : together with remarks, introductory and interspersed, respecting the origin, history, and present condition of that interesting people [Sammelband]
- The Vaudois : comprising observations made during a tour to the Valleys of Piedmont, in the summer of 1844: together with remarks, introductory and interspersed, respecting the origin, history, and present condition of that interesting people [Buch]
- The Vaudois : comprising observations made during a tour to the Valleys of Piedmont, in the summer of 1844: together with remarks, introductory and interspersed, respecting the origin, history, and present condition of that interesting people [Buch]
- The Vaudois of Piedmont : A Visit to their Valleys, with a sketch of their remarkable history as a church and people to the present date [Sammelband]
- The Waldenses or Protestant Valleys of Piedmont, Dauphiny and the Ban de la Roche [Buch]
- Three Letters Concerning The Present State Of Italy, Written in the Year, 1687 : I. Relating to the Affair of Molinos, and the Quietists. II. Relating to the Inquisition ... III. Relating to the Policy and Interests of some of the States of Italy ; Being A Supplement to Dr. Burnet's Letters. [Buch]
- Tutamen evangelicum, or, A defence of Scripture-ordination, against the exceptions of T.G. in a book intituled, Tentamen novum : proving, that ordination by presbyters is valid, Timothy and Titus were no diocesan rulers, the presbyters of Ephesus were the apostles successors in the government of that church, and not Timothy, the first epistle to Timothy
was written before the meeting at Miletus, the ancient Waldenses had no
diocesan bishops, &c [Buch]
- Two years in Switzerland and Italy [Buch]
- Valley of Luserne [Bilder und Landkarten]
- Venice and the Venetians : with a glance at the Vaudois and the Tyrol [Buch]
- Victor Amadeus II : absolutism in the Savoyard State, 1675-1730 [Buch]
- Visits to the valleys of Piedmont : including a Brief Memoir respecting the Waldenses [Buch]
- Waldensian researches during a second visit to the Vaudois of Piemont. With an introductory inquiry into the antiquity and purity of the Waldensian Church, and some account of the compacts with the ancient princes of Piemont, and the treaties between the English government and the House of Savoy, in virtue of which this sole relic of the primitive church in Italy has continued to assert its religious independence. [Buch]
- Wanderings and Musings in the Valleys of the Waldenses [Buch]
- William the Third, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c : to all and singular archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, deans, and their officials, parsons, vicars, curates, and all other spiritual persons. [Buch]
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